Sunday 10 March 2024

March - In Like a Lion!

 Spring is almost here and the weather is showing signs of warming and increased moisture. We've been observing the weather and making estimations and predictions each day at school and comparing them to each other and to our January and February weather. What a great time to discuss weather patterns and the changing seasons with your child.  Why does it snow sometimes and rain at other times?  Will the precipitation be all snow in March?  Will there be rain?  What conditions are needed for there to be rain instead of snow?  Has Calgary ever had snow in July?  Rain in January? You might be surprised!

Our 100 Day activities spanned the week of February 26 and were so much fun!  We made crowns, created pattern necklaces, skip counted to 100 in so many ways and many other wonderful things.  It was a busy week and so worth it!

We have been building with shapes and reviewing our basic math facts during the recent cold spells that have kept us indoors at recess.  At this point in the year, your child should be quite fluent with their basic facts to 10. Please quiz them once in a while to keep up these skills and if you notice a lag in this area, quiz them more often.  We will soon be working with computation to 100, so a good understanding of addition and subtraction to 10 is essential for efficiency.

Our geometry unit is in full swing and we have been enjoying the many opportunities to build with 2D and 3D shapes.  The students have been using Polypad online to learn more about shapes and use their creativity to reinforce this learning. They can show you some amazing things about shapes using this tool.


Please check your child’s google classroom account to see some of the lessons we have been doing posted there.  It is a good idea to review content with your child regularly in order to keep it fresh in their mind and build those connections to new content. We also recently worked on a piece of 100 Day writing that will be in their google docs.

 We are exploring movement and energy in science and will begin to design and build marble runs after the Spring Break.  If you have time available during the days following the break and would be able to come in to support this process, please let me know your availability and I will schedule our work accordingly. There will be la need for cutting and gluing support. We will also be asking for some recyclable materials to add to our supply list for this project once we have made a list.  Things like empty paper towel rolls and water bottles come to mind.

In Social Studies, we are discussing how change affects us now and in the future.  An assignment went home this week that will allow your child to look more closely at some major changes in their lives that have had significant impact on them and their families.  Please help your child complete this assignment and have it returned before March 15. We will be using the information collected for a multi-media project. If you can upload any pictures relevant to the assignment to their google account, it would be most helpful.  Alternately, sending in hard copies would also work. Photos will significantly support their project work.

We have had quite a plethora of activities to explore in phys. ed. recently, beginning with gymnastics in January. Lacrosse followed immediately after, then soccer, and we are now learning badminton skills. We are so thankful to have had the opportunity for these endeavours during the cold snaps since the winter break. We are looking forward to outdoor sporting opportunities in the spring, including skipping, once things dry up.